Robert Heiman Founder/developmental scientist/ and formulator for the internationally acclaimed company Epicuren discovery, has made a new holistic company HOLOCUREN™. With over 40 years experience in the skin care industry Heiman's company Holocuren™ introduces its first specialty product, Miracle Lips. Miracle Lips is a break-through holistic treatment, a blend of over 25 natural & organic ingredients. Miracle Lips contains Propolis and Tea Tree Oil which make it superior and unique. Miracle Lips is a treatment used primarily for cold sores, protection from the elements, and to transform the health and vitality of the lips. It is made for people with dry or chapped lips, as well as for somone with a chronic lip or skin problem.

"Miracle Lips is one of the most exciting products that I have ever worked with," says Robert Heiman "Since I was five years old, I have had a problem with dry and chapped lips. With the extraordinary combination of natural and organic phytochemical ingredients Miracle Lips makes a difference in just one application."

In Miracle Lips, Propolis Crystals and Tea Tree Oil are active ingredients, serving as anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and healing agents. While Propolis Extract, Tea Tree Oil, along with other ingredients in this formula work great individually, it is the unique combination that make this product so effective. Heiman has created a product with ingredients far superior to anything in its category, and amazingly it costs about the same price.

Propolis Crystals are a special ingredient, because for millions of years it has been a key factor for the survival of bees who have poor immune systems. Bees are dependent on Propolis to protect them from infection.* Propolis contains 27 bioflavenoids, antioxidants, and trace minerals that powerfully replenish the lips immune system. Another key ingredient Tea tree oil emanates a divine power of nature that has been used from the beginning of recorded history as a natural remedy for all problems relating to bacterial, fungal, or viral infection.

"We offer Miracle Lips at our practice as a non-prescription alternative treatment to our patients who suffer from cold sores and cracked lips," says Dr. Asher Milgrom, President and CEO, of AMA (American Medical Aesthetics Corp).

Miracle Lips is full of natural and organic butters, enzymes, peptides and vitamins that moisturize the lip tissue. All of these ingredients penetrate at a cellular level. Miracle lips transforms the health and vitality of the lips. There is no other product that does this. "We search high and low to find the best possible remedies to better our patients' lives," says Alice Pien, M.D. "Miracle lips is exactly one of those exquisite treatments: so simple, so effective and so sorely needed by so many."

Miracle Lips is available in select stores and Epicuren Spas and Treatment Centers internationally for only 12.95. Miracle Lips is also available online for 16.95 including shipping and handling at www.MiracleLips.com. Miracle Lips comes in 10-milliliter tubes. Stay tuned for exciting new products coming soon: Holocuren Propolis Toothpaste: A natural and organic toothpaste that eliminates bad breath, stimulates the mouth and helps to prevent gum disease . Holocuren Mouth Astringent : A natural and organic mouthwash that gives long term protection against bad breath and helps to heal and prevent canker sores.

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